
Our Vision

At Mosan we think that systemic challenges should be addressed with comprehensive, systemic solutions that support healthier communities

By closing the nutrient cycle, we protect the environment, turning the excess nutrients into much needed nutrients for agriculture. We do this by employing innovative and appropriate technologies. The biochar based fertilizers produced by Mosan not only bring the necesarry plant nutrients, but support soil regeneration, sequester carbon and improve farmers’ resilience. 

Our Goals




Our Solution


The Mosan Toilet is an award-winning toilet, designed with the highest technical standards. Ease of use, durability, low maintenance and an aspirational design are important aspects. The design is the result of the participatory process with local communities and international partners.


Mosan provides regular collection service to wastewater treatment plants and areas covered by our community or public sanitation service. Regular collection ensures that users always have a fresh and clean toilet and avoids greenhouse gas emissions from anaerobic decomposition on-site.

After the collection our team takes care of the transport to our Transformation Center. 


Mosan employs pyrolisis, an efficient waste treatment technology to turn contaminating sewage sludge and excreta into biochar, a carbon-rich material with multiple benefits for the soil. For further fertilizing strength the biochar is enriched with additional nutrients, among which human urine via a dehydration process, an innovative method to recover nitrogen. 

Our technologies are modular, resource efficient and customized for our operations, having been developed in partnership with worldwide experts and universities.


Mosan’s biochar-based fertilizers bring necessary nutrients to the plant while also improving soil texture, nutrient retention and pH, enhancing overall soil health. Biochar improves water retention and decreases waterlogging, strenghtening resilience to climate change. Through its pH and moisture regulating abilities biochar creates an environment less susceptible to disease. It also favors the development of microorganisms that fight off pathogens. Biochar sequesters CO2 through stable carbon soil addition.

 We studied biochar’s effectiveness in the field with various crops (coffee, zucchini, banana, maize etc.) for over 5 years in collaboration with various research centers and universities.



We promote awareness on water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) in order to accelerate behavioral change. Our methods of conveying information are based on direct community involvement, educational events, and creative capacity building workshops.


Our products and services are co-created with local communities. We impulse innovation through Design Thinking – a process for creative problem solving – involving users at different stages of the project, from the identification of needs to the creation of a customized service to fit the specific reality, culture, and context. Our services are community-managed, which creates job opportunities and brings new know-how and empowerment into communities.